1. Open XD
  2. Make a canvas using the Web 1920x1080 format
  3. Before placing any shapes, set the fill color to be #FFFFFF, and the border to be #707070
  4. Using the rectangle tool, place a 200 x 200 square at 862, 171
  5. Using the triangle tool, place a 48x42 triangle at 936, 271
  6. Using the rectangle tool, place a 36x36 square at 902, 228
  7. Make another 36x36 square and place it at 988, 228
  8. Make a 297x373 rectangle and place it 812, 371
  9. Make a 63x265 rectangle and place it at 862, 744
  10. Make another 63x265 rectangle and place it at 999, 744
  11. Make a 194x194 line and place it at 618.5, 455.5
  12. Make another 194x194 line and place it at 1109.5, 455.5, and rotate it 90 degrees
  13. Save the file and export the artboard as a PNG
  14. Then email me the png at nbrenna@masonlive.gmu.edu

My Drawing:

Their Drawing: